Marsden to Edale  - Trigger Race

2023 Race Information


Please peruse the pages within this website but if the information you are looking for is not there then please contact me on


The race can only be entered by following the SI Entries link at the bottom of this section. Please read the following before entering:

1)  We will check Previous Experience when you enter and you will initially be placed on a Pre-Selection list. We will aim to send out an email confirming your acceptance. 2) The race is £20 to enter FRA Members and £24 Non FRA members 

To enter please use Si Entries

Kit to be worn or carried:  

Full waterproof jacket and bottoms (with taped seams), shoes suitable for fell running, long sleeved top, head torch, emergency bag, hat and gloves, map (the Dark Peak map which just excludes Marsden is acceptable)  compass, whistle and some emergency food is the minimum kit.

There will be a full kit check before Registration giving everybody the chance to make sure they have the required kit. There will be spot checks on route and at the finish. The FRA have made it clear that not carrying the required kit will result in a ban from all fell races and we will uphold that policy.

Registration etc

In Marsden Cricket Club (SE 044 106 - just below the Golf Course)  from 7am to 8am. Do not park cars in the car park as this will be closed from midday. Toilets will hopefully be provided in the club house.

WMRT will transfer 1 small bag per runner to Edale for a change of clothing after the race. Please keep it as light and small as possible as we have limited space to carry these bags. A van will be located before the Start lanes at Marsden Cricket ground to collect the bags.

 This is a LINEAR ROUTE and runners are expected to make their own arrangements for transport to / from the Start (MARSDEN) and the Finish (EDALE).


1) VERY IMPORTANT:   If you retire you must inform a marshall at a designated checkpoint

2) Number must be worn on the chest and shown to Marshalls at all checkpoints and the finish.

3) The Trigger is a GPS NOT ALLOWED race. You may set your watch to record your track but NOT for NAVIGATION.

4) No Dogs on route

5) There are three road crossings; Wessenden, Crowden and Snake Top - it is the runner's responsibility to cross these roads safely.


Route - Updated 03/12/2023 - THIS IS THE CONFIRMED ROUTE

START: Road outside Marsden Cricket Field (SE 044 106) at 8.30am.


START: Marsden Cricket Field (SE 044 106) at 8.30am.

All Runners must cross on dam wall and follow path on east side of Butterley reservoir.

CP 1: Black Hill Trig (SE 078 046)

CP 2 Crowden after road crossing on path SK072 990 (Cut off 11.00 hrs). East path is closed and out of bounds. Do not run on the road, all runners must head west on the path to the north side of Torside reservoir across the dam wall to the road crossing at Reaps to access open ground.

CP 3 Higher Shelf Trig (SK 088 947) After Higher Shelf trig point all runners must take an east bearing to join the Pennine way by the direct route. The route south east is out of bounds to protect that area. See map.

CP4 Pennine Way (SK 096 947)

CP 5 Road crossing Snake Top (SK 088 929) Cut off 13.00 hrs

CP 6 Kinder North Sandy Heys Trig (SK 076 893) The route to the finish takes a narrow corridor between 2 out of bounds (protected) areas. Runners must take care not to go onto the protected areas as shown on map.

FINISH: Field at side of Peak Centre, Edale Village. SK 122 855 (new location 50m down the road from Fieldhead campsite on the right)


MAPS - which will pass Kit Check if printed in colour and in a waterproof covering

Trigger route map 1 - Marsden to Black Hill

Trigger route map 2 - Black Hill to Crowden

Trigger route map 2a - Crowden to Torside

Trigger route map 3 - Bleaklow with New Pennine Way CP

Trigger route map 4 - Kinder Scout

Trigger Finish map



As already mentioned all the profits from this race will go 100% to Woodhead Mountain Rescue. They will announce the amount raised within two weeks of the race and we will publish the figure on this website, on WMRT site


In the unlikely event of bad weather the deciding factor on whether to postpone the race will be the condition of the A57 Snake Road. If it is closed then we cannot run the race however do not assume that because it is deemed "closed" on the traffic reports that we will automatically be cancelling the race. Woodhead MRT will recce the road on the Saturday and then we will email and post on all the forums / websites we have on Saturday 8th as soon as the decision is made.


If we cannot run the race, due to weather or Covid restrictions it will be cancelled and people will have the option of donating the entry fee to Mountain Rescue or getting a refund.